Cultivation Of Custard Apple
Custard Apples are the most essential seasonal fruits liked by all section of people around the world. These fruits are very rich in carbohydrates and mostly grown in tropical climates with cool conditions. Except the kernels of the seeds every part of the fruit is very helpful for our health. In India its cultivation is carried in almost 5500 hectares of land. Most commonly farmers grow these plants on hilly areas. Its cultivation is very easy and more profitable. So lets see what are the different phases of its cultivation in detail. Climate and Soil type Custard apple suits for different climates, especially hot and dry climates give more yield. But at the time of fruiting, it generally requires high humidity levels. This crop even with stands in high drought conditions as well as rainfall areas. According to farming experts annual rainfall of 55 to 85 cm is said to be ideal for these crops. On to soil type, custard apple grows on almost every land except the lands that