Cultivation Of Sapota (Chikoo Or Chiku)
Sapota is an evergreen tree widely grown in Mexico, Caribbean and Central America. Indians began to know its prominence in nineteenth century because of its unforgettable sweetness. Even though Sapota is very famous for its taste, it is commercially cultivated for gummy latex in South-East Mexico, Guatemala etc. This latex is the main source for producing chickle which is used in preparing chewing gum. Mostly grown in tropical regions, Sapota has become one of the top producing crops in India. So lets see what are the crucial stages in its cultivation. Climate and Soil types Sapota crop is very much suitable for tropical regions. According to farming experts, dry and humid conditions give good production for longer periods. Areas with annual rainfall range 120 to 220 cm and temperature range of 11oC to 35oC are apt for this crop. If proper drainage is provided, Sapota grows well on all kinds of soils. Especially black soils with pH range of 6.5 to 8.5 are ideal for its cu