Duck Farming
Unlike other bird farming like chickens, duck farming is little expensive with more end profits. The eggs and meat cost more in the market than Chicken. Apart from those, its down feather is used in making jackets, pillows and sleeping bags. So it is evident that duck farming can turn in to lucrative if carried in a proper way. Its farming is simple and easy in some parts where water resources are plenty. That is why most of the farmers take it simultaneously with other animal farming to gain more profits. Hence lets check out what are the possible ways to take up the farming while knowing its advantages as well as drawbacks.
First of all, advantages :
- Ducks can be healthy all the time, they can fall sick very rarely. They have more resistance power than chickens.
- Their eggs are large and we get more number of eggs per day compared to chicken farming.
- They grow quicker and gives more amount of meat, which has high market value than chickens.
- Ducks usually rely on insects, plants and water facilities. There is no need to worry about high quality feeding.
Drawbacks :
- Even though it has good market value than chicken our Indians dont eat its meat like chicken. This is the biggest drawback of this farming in India.
- Ducks always need lot of water for reproduction and well growth. Farmers should develop hygienic water pits or ponds, which are little expensive.
- Farmers have to develop their own marketing system to gain more profits as there are very less areas of interest on its meat and eggs.
Farming Procedure :
According to a survey, duck farming put up 6 percentage of Indias total egg production. It is considered as the second highest after chicken. If you think to take up a bird farming other than chicken, it perfectly suits you.
Check out for well water resources :- Duck farming requires clean water for ducks to reproduce and mate with their partners.
- If you have to take up this farming in no water conditions dig appropriate pits and add hygienic water to those pits.
- Ducks lay eggs usually in the early mornings and nights plus the ducklings grow faster, so building proper shelter is must in this farming.
- It should ensure high security from any wild animals with more space, sufficient light and air.
- There are number of breeds available in India, each for egg and meat production. Mostly Indian runner ducks are used for laying eggs while Maskovi ducks are considered as the best for meat production.
- Although duck dont rely on high quality feeding, it is advised to give them snails, kitchen waste, fungi, rice, corn etc for better growth and high production of eggs. If possible take them to fields like paddy, which is pretty much useful for good egg production.
- For better marketing you have to clean the eggs neatly. Usually duck eggs have thicker shells, so you can clean them even with knifes.
- Make sure the eggs are clean by rubbing with soft cloth and place them in closed clean trays before sending to market.
- Duck meat is expensive than chicken, all you have to do is to find out appropriate marketing dealers to sell your duck meat. Once you are in to the business, good profits are guaranteed.
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